CWO Development

CWO Development supports your skills in your workplace, volunteer roles in the Party or into public life, from school governor to the green benches. You must be a Full Member of the CWO to register for CWO Development Events.

Please login and tell us by ticking the box, if you are interested in public life,

Sign up for the CWO Development newsletter via the Members Area.

FOR 2021: After 10 years of experience, and a success rate of 95% of attendees on our advance courses ending up on the Candidates list, We have reviewed all our courses to modernise them, and make sure they fit in with the needs of women as they enter public life.

Starting Jan 2021: Free Explore courses to give you basic knowledge,

Understand courses delivered on zoom costing £25 where detailed skills and knowledge of the Party are identified and your skills honed to build up your political confidence,

Prepare for Success: Advanced day long session including video play back of speeches, skills audits, CV writing and personal branding to help the more experienced women participate at the highest of levels in the Party. ( To attend the advance Process courses, and get the most out of it,  you must have been on at least 2 Understand courses to get the grounding on how the Party works)

Keep an eye on the event pages as the courses sell fast and our limited in numbers. And sign up for the Development newsletter


TV & Radio
Personal Branding
Process & Skills

Attend an Event

The next election may be in 2024 but the Conservative Party still need excellent candidates to stand, including:

• Police & Crime Commissioners   • Elected Mayors  • London, Welsh and Scottish Assemblies  • Councils – both at local and County level  • MP

  • A quarter of all Conservative women MPs were helped by CWO Development.
  • 50% of new Conservative women MPs in 2019 were helped by CWO Development.
  • 50% of CWO Development candidates in the 2019 General Election won their seat.
  • Will you be one next time?

We organise a programme of affordable, professional workshops designed to help individuals with both their personal and political development. Please register your interest by clicking here, however, please note that participation in CWO Development programmes is only available to members of the Conservative Party but our Be a Councillor Days are open to anyone. We also welcome gentlemen! If you are not a member of the party then you can join here.

As an aspiring candidate, who has only more recently become involved in politics, I found the CWOD workshops hugely helpful. I attended three out of the four courses on offer and got a huge amount out of each training day. Not only were the workshops informative and extremely practical but they were also a great way to network and meet other future candidates. The courses covered everything from campaign communications to setting up your website and social media presence.

It was quite terrifying doing the first round of mock selection questions but, after a few times, answering questions on every area of policy from the economy to the NHS health reforms on the spot it just showed that practice makes all the difference. I particularly valued the media training with a mock radio interview and Question Time style panel. Other useful tips including information on compliance, filling out your application forms and how to fundraise for your campaign. Anyone who is even thinking about running as a Councillor, MP or MEP should attend one of the CWO’s excellent courses.

Theodora Clarke MP (Stafford) – Elected December 2019

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