Forum Report: Wed 8 Feb 2006: Company Law Reform Bill

On Tuesday 7th February the CWO hosted the first in a series of meetings of the newly formed Conservative Women’s Forum. The Forum enables women with an interest in politics, or in a particular issue, to talk directly to those Parliamentarians who are steering legislation through Parliament.

The first meeting kicked off with an examination of the Company Law Reform Bill, a massive piece of legislation covering 885 clauses which has been some 8 years in preparation. Though large parts are uncontentious there are several areas of concern to the Conservative Party including the power, for the first time, to make primary legislation by regulation.

Lord Hodgson (Shadow Minister for Home Affairs & Trade & Industry) and Jonathan Djanogly MP., (Shadow Solicitor General & Shadow Minister for Trade & Industry) spoke with approximately thirty five women; an audience largely made up of City Lawyers, Company Directors and PPCs to discuss the Bill and its’ implications, and their own specific concerns. They took part in a debate and a Question & Answer session about the Bill and their own specific concerns.

Eleanor Laing MP., (Shadow Minister for Women & Equality) also took time to speak with the guests.

The event was chaired by the Chairman of the Conservative Women’s Organisation – Lady Fiona Hodgson, assisted by Deputy Chairman June Seager, and Margot James – Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party for Women.

The attendees much appreciated the effort the Conservative Women’s Organisation had made to give them this opportunity and agreed that it had sparked an interest to know more about legislation in progress.

The next meeting of the Forum is on 15th March and will focus on the Work & Families Bill.

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